Shaping EU Waste Policy: Appeal to secure an enforceable waste framework law

Published: 12 February 2007

Policies & Issues: Environment

In its plenary session this week, the European Parliament will be voting in first reading on the proposal for a Waste Directive.  Orgalime industries are currently experiencing the implementation of Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Directive 2005/32/EC on Eco Design of Energy Using Products (EuP), which covers the integration of environmental aspects into product design over the product’s whole life cycle, including the waste phase.

Orgalime believes that the draft waste directive must aim at establishing a truly harmonised Directive where waste policy constitutes product policy and a consistent and mature waste policy framework with clear and coherent requirements that enables Europe to lead by example on waste management to the benefit of the environment, consumers and the competitiveness of European industry alike.

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