Review of Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Published: 19 February 2007

Policies & Issues: Environment

The European Commission has initiated the review process of Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Orgalime is committed to continuously providing input to the WEEE review process and requests regulators to shape WEEE in a sustainable manner rather than introducing yet further environmental and administrative requirements without considering the competitiveness of European electrical and electronic manufacturers that act globally.

Orgalime calls upon the Commission to ensure that the review process (initiated even before the Directive’s full implementation at national level) does not lead to a more complex and fragmented regulatory framework for dealing with WEEE.

Reviewing the WEEE Directive in 2008 should serve as a real example of Simplification and Better Regulation, i.e. cut administrative costs and bureaucratic burden caused by the Directive, improve legal certainty for companies and thereby strengthen the enforcement of the Directive, i.e. Achieving its environmental objectives while not unduly undermining the competitiveness of European producers of EEE.

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