Orgalime response to consultation on streamlining of planning & reporting obligations as part of the Energy Union Governance

Published: 8 April 2016

Policies & Issues: Energy & Climate

A reliable and transparent energy and climate governance to ensure that energy related actions at EU, regional, national and local level all contribute to the Energy Union´s objectives is essential for the success of the Energy Union and now also the implementation of the Paris Agreement, which Orgalime fully endorses.

Integrated, strategic planning and reporting not only reduces administrative burden and increases the transparency of the multi-fold energy and climate related activities, it can also enhance industry´s own planning activities by increasing predictability and it can help to stimulate critical investment into truly sustainable areas in support of the competitiveness of European manufacturing as much as environmental protection.

Orgalime, the European Engineering Industries Association, therefore welcomes the Commission´s public consultation on streamlining planning and reporting obligations as part of the Energy Union governance.

However, while streamlining is welcome, this should not be done to the detriment of transparency, coherence, relevance, reliability, efficiency or effectiveness of existing reporting and planning [more in download]


Sigrid Linher
Director - Energy, Climate & Environment

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